Almost everyone has dealt with an uncomfortable or upsetting political conversation. Most people have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or that friend. We live in a time when it just doesn't go away, and it becomes the center of many opinionated debates. In a small group, you undoubtedly will be a part of a lot of political conversations, especially during election seasons!
It gets even muddier for small group leaders and mentors. We’re all about facilitating difficult conversations, digging into people’s fears, and finding the truth together. But when conversations turn political, things just so easily go wrong or get way off track. So, what should we do? How do we lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ amidst such a politically charged time?
When conversations turn political, don’t …
Freak out or become angry. Jesus was a part of plenty of politicized conversations, and He didn’t freak out, or lob angry platitudes. God is in control. Actually, one time He called a really bad ruler His “servant.” (Jeremiah 25:9)
Take sides. We all have political convictions, favorites, and ideas—and that’s fine. We should. But, as a small group leader and/or mentor, you are volunteering for a different kind of world ruler. Live out your convictions but speak with humility and grace to avoid division in your group.
Tap out. You’re the leader. You can’t run for cover in the kitchen or the bathroom. Your group needs you!
Three things to do when conversations get political
Know the soul. Who’s sharing? Is it someone new to your group? New to the faith? What’s their life experience? Do you know them well? Do they trust you? All of this should inform the way you guide or redirect the conversation. Differentiate personal views from political views to advocate for Christian values. Also, tune in to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to guide your response and help you to speak with humility, love, and compassion.
Know your role. It's your job to facilitate a healthy conversation. You can do this by modeling and outright stating how you want the conversation to go. You want everyone to be treated with respect, shown love, and feel safe. Recognize the line between emotion and logic - peoples experiences shape their viewpoints. Remember, you can affirm people and maintain objectivity without completely agreeing with them. Jesus did it all the time. If someone shares a politically charged view, you could say something like, “It’s so important to hear your perspective, I can see how you would feel this way.” Or, if someone describes how they’ve been politically wronged you might say, “I honestly can’t imagine what that would be like. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
Know the goal. What are you trying to do as a group? Become more like Christ, right? If your conversation seems to be derailing or getting negative, ask the group how they feel about the conversation. What are the intentions behind their conversation? Not about the topic at hand, but about the conversation. Is it to persuade each other in their beliefs, or to express their personal experience in a political situation? Offer something like, “Can I interject? How do you feel about where our conversation is headed? Do we agree as a group that we want to go there?” Is it the reason you got together today? If not, find a common topic to redirect to.