Below is a summary of the week and some questions to ask in your Tribe. Feel free to use any of the resources at the bottom too! The idea is that we are growing in our connection with God.
Hi there, we are glad you are here!
This is the second week of the series Made for Mondays, where we talked about a special kind of hospitality. We learned from Luke 10 how the poor attitudes of a priest and Levite provide us with what NOT to do.
Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
Three Monday attitudes
1. Attitude of Avoidance
The priest in our story should have had the compassion to meet the needs of the man on the side of the road. Instead he avoided it for his convenience, due to ceremonial laws of uncleanness. That is not the role model Jesus intended for His people to have!
2. Attitude of Curiosity
This is an attitude of knowing something happened, figuring out what needs to happen, but yet not caring enough to step in and do it. Again, this is not the attitude Jesus expects us to have.
3. Attitude of Unreasonable Hospitality
The Samaritan that helped the man had more compassion for the stranger than those that were probably from the same community and culture! THIS is the attitude Jesus wants us to have – that we don’t ignore those in need based on our biases but rather that we are filled with love for every one of God’s children no matter their appearance, background, culture or beliefs.
The way we go about our week – at work, especially – should reflect this hospitality. Being hospitable improves the workplace. Setting a goal for this and sharing the vision helps those around us increase their hospitality attitudes as well. Pay attention to the experience others have with you, and make it a good one. Don’t get greedy over who gets the credit when compliments are given, it spoils the moment! Be inspired by things you don’t normally notice. Take these attitudes with you everywhere you go and enjoy the benefits of having a hospitable attitude!
We pray that your connection to God and others is strong and healthy. Our prayer is that you find joy in going above and beyond when it comes to hospitality.
If you haven't yet watched the sermon from this past weekend, we encourage you to check it out. The current sermon video will be available this Tuesday. Click on the link below to view:
Recent TVC Sermon Video
1. What are some reasons why you don’t stop to help someone in need?
2. What extent would you want someone to go to for you if you needed help?