Conflict is a complex and inevitable part of life - and small groups. It’s not easy, but it’s a sign your group is safe enough to be open with each other and have tension. An important part of your growth as a leader will be learning how to healthily address conflict and proactively prevent unnecessary conflict. Here are seven conflict quick tips.
Allow each person to cool down but address their issues quickly. If you identify there is an issue with someone, go quickly and talk to them rather than allowing the issue to grow. Both parties need to be heard.
Communicate in person. Avoid messaging through difficult conversations.
Encourage the use of “I feel” statements. When talking about what you’re experiencing, talk about yourself. Express your own intentions, part you played in the conflict, and feelings you had. Ask the other party to do the same.
Listen to what’s not being said. Tone and body language are huge indicators to pay attention to. Also, what words aren’t being said?
Brainstorm solutions together and choose one that meets both parties needs as much as possible.
Confirm there is a satisfactory resolution, seek forgiveness, and express thankfulness for working things out together.